Tyler was great he didn't get a nap..but he was passed out on the drive home.
Our drive home was great it rained and we got to see a double rainbow. It was so pretty. I haven't seen one in so long.
Funny story on our drive home we were talking and i looked over and i saw a deer running in the field and I was screaming at Brian to look and I think I scared him a little. I thought it was so pretty to see a deer... but its not like I haven't or Brian hasn't seen one. Thought it was pretty funny that I scared him. Brian thought it would be funny to get me back so he did the same thing. but I thought he was serious. For you that don't know we had hit a deer on our way back from cali this summer and it messed our car up pretty good. So I thought one was coming toward us. Oh I was so scared.
We then got to go to the park to feed the ducks and play.